During the past couple years Eye2theWorld has been involved with the production of several projects both locally and state-wide, and has a continuing interest in proceeding with new ventures.
- Produced a six series of podcast interviews with recent Latin American immigrants who have made a successful transition from the native homes to Elkhart County, IN titled “Voices of Diversity”.
- Conducted a community forum, “The World Comes to Elkhart County: Globalization, Immigration, Communication”.
- Are a member and co-sponsor of a state-wide multi ethnic planning committee promoting Indiana state conferences, such as “Discovering and Understanding Our Common Ground”, in 2008 and planning a similar one in April, 2010. This effort is co-sponsored by the Indiana Civil Rights Commission, the Governor’s office, and many private sectors businesses throughout the state.
- Served on a state planning committee for a conference in October, 2009, “Educational Equity for Latino Students”.
- Provided input to the Indiana Department of Education’s Office of International Education regarding infusion of international education into K-12 curricula.
- Held two International Trade Fairs at a local mall and had 13 countries represented by booths.
- Co-hosted The Ballet Folklorico de Hidalgo which performed for children at Chamberlain Elementary School in Goshen and for families at Elkhart Central High School
- Co-hosted 15 high school students from Pachuca, Hidalgo (Hidalgo’s capital and largest city) to visit Goshen High School
- Collaborated with Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Estado de Hidalgo, México to produce a magazine especially for immigrants from Hidalgo living in Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Elkhart County and certain other special metropolitan areas
Go to the Photos section of this web site to see photos from several of these actives. Our Staff is continuing to look for new ventures, new ways to have a positive impact on cultural relationships wherever we can offer assistance.