We are listing these books from Win Wenger Ph.D., who we featured in Issue 13, article2:
Current Regards on Building Brains and Improving Human Intelligence
Clicking on any of the titles will take you temporarily to his web site where these books may be ordered or the ebooks listed in the lower page may be downloaded free.
Brain Boosters
Win Wenger’s newest blockbuster — 20 minutes a day to a more powerful brain. Self-study audio course on 6 CDs, with workbook of exercises. Also downloadable on MP3 in seven lessons. Published by Nightingale-Conant, who also published the taped course for The Einstein Factor.
Genius Code
Self-study audio course on CDs, with manual. Combines two phenomenal techniques: Paul Scheele’s PhotoReading and Win Wenger’s ImageStreaming. Even better than The Einstein Factor to access the astounding brain potential you have that’s just waiting to be tapped!
Discovering the Obvious
Techniques of original, inspired, scientific discovery, technical invention, and innovation.
The Einstein Factor
Great techniques for unleashing the powers of your mind. Now adapted also as an audio guided course on tape or CD.
Beyond Teaching and Learning
Eight different systems of method for learning easily with profound understanding.
A Method for Personal Growth and Development
Improve every aspect of your life, from creativity to IQ to personal skills. Our main text on both Image-Streaming and on creative problem-solving, including the High Thinktank system of methods.
Incentives as a preferred instrument of corporate and public policy
Conflict resolution and problem-solving through Incentive Equilibrium Analysis.
Beyond OK
Psychegenic tools relating to health of body and mind. Now also available as a 6-week home study course by Steve Collins in downloadable audio (mp3 or wma) and text formats.
How to Increase Your Intelligence
Temporarily out of print
Raise your I.Q. 20 points in 25 hours of pleasant, entertaining practice. Guaranteed.
How To Be a Better Teacher, Today
Immediately useful classroom techniques improve learning, reduce workload.
Two monographs on Systems Theory
Civilizations and other living systems; Toward a general theory of systems.
The Better Baby and The Port-Wine Sea
Two books by Susan Wenger—a profoundly sensible collection of advice for raising a smarter, happier child; and a hilarious parody of Patrick O’Brian’s sea-faring stories.
eBooks Free online from winwenger.com
On Incentives as a Preferred Instrument of Corporate and Public Policy
Chockful of incentive proposals, ingenious solutions to thorny problems, and techniques for creating new solutions. Free online in its entirety.
You Are Brighter Than You Think!
Combining Socratic method with Einsteinian “deep-thought” technique promotes human intellect to function at its finest. Free online.
Two GUARANTEED Ways to Profoundly Improve Your Intelligence
Held-breath underwater swimming and Image-Streaming as powerful agents of greater effectiveness. Free online.
Beyond Teaching and Learning
The full text of Chapter 1 of this great book, with many hot tips for accelerated learning and increased understanding, and for accessing and retrieving your unconsciously held awarenesses. Learn like a genius! Free online.
The Philosopher’s Stone — for children
A fantasy tale of courage and wisdom. Illustrated, with an addendum for parents. Free online.
Dew Song — for children
A gentle tale of beauty and fantasy that could hold real-world truths. Illustrated. Free online.