Joe Rueff
Welcome to Issue 12 of Eye2theWorld. As you can see we have made some changes in our format. Now, instead of a home page that presents the same text with each additional issue, we are going to have a statement that highlights some of what you’ll have inside each particular issue.
With this issue we are including a guest writer, someone whose background and work highlight one or more concerns we think is important. If you would like to be a guest writer, or suggest someone you know, contact us and we’ll review your resume and ideas.
During every one of our issues we have stressed the need for transforming American education. We’ve listed many needs that have arisen. We’ve noted that such projects as the No Child Left Behind legislation has focused public attention on the problem to a greater degree than at any time in recent history.
Guest writer Dan Okello writes about a segment of our population that’s often forgotten, one that needs as much, if not more, help as any. They are the cognitively impaired, those often relegated to the backwaters of our schools and communities. It’s an injustice for this to continue. Consequently, we asked a specialist involved everyday with these problems to give us an overview and what we should be doing.
As you scroll through our articles you’ll find No. 7 in Dorinne Davis’ series on auditory problems. If you’ve read her series you’ll see how our auditory system relates to so much more than just ‘hearing’ in the traditional sense.
Peter Kline focuses on the need for beginning the transformation process for education as a whole with his article describing Flagship Schools.
Zulma Prieto contributes her usual thought provoking editorial and I’ve tried to offer a reaction. Our idea is to get you to think about issues that both transcend our normal lives and yet are part of our close neighbors.
Check out our recommended Web sites and suggested reading. As usual we’ve tried to select ones that have meaning for the educational transformation process.